Pohutukawas & Ratas……
Pohutukawas & Ratas……
In Stock
Varieties in stock on 1 Jan 2024…….
Prices range from $30 – $80
Tahitian silvery grey leaf dwarf pohutukawa…….$30
Fireball green leaf dwarf Tahitian pohutukawa……$30-$40
Scarlet Pimpernel (compact heavy flowering variety)…..$30-$60
Moon Maiden creamy yellow variety………$40
Variegated Kermadensis variety beautiful white leaves with red flowers……$30-$100
Mistral (frost hardy natural rata-pohutukawa hybrid)……$30-$80
Springfire first to flower very early spring showy orangey red flowers……$30-$40
Northern Rata (relatively frost hardy)……$30-$100
Southern Rata (relatively frost hardy)…..$30-$100
Bartlettii little white flowering version, pointy leaves look more like a rata……$25
Google them all for info/images….
All “slightly” at risk from Myrtle Rust altho they havent been decimated as expected….
However weve discontinued Butterscotch n Vibrance very susceptible to it……
Contact us to question availability size v price n delivery……